Do you like to feel comfortable in the summer with a real summer body? Then you have to do something for this, because losing weight is not easy. Unfortunately, the gyms are still closed due to COVID-19, but there are still plenty of opportunities to get a tight summer body. Take advantage of these tips quickly.

1. Act immediately

Summer is approaching faster than you think! Now you can still hide in a large, warm sweater, but that is not possible if it is suddenly 20 degrees outside. It is therefore a good idea to take action right now and work on your summer body, and not just at the last minute. If you do, you run the risk of injury and of course we don't want that.

2. Set goals for your summer body

Are you the type who finds it difficult to motivate yourself? You are certainly not alone! So keep a specific goal in mind.

Would you like to wear that one beautiful dress from last year or those slightly tighter pants again? Make this a goal and work out a schedule. That way you get much further.

By the way, this schedule is very important. If you don't set a schedule, you will probably give up quickly. How detailed you make this schedule is entirely up to you.

Maybe you want to go running twice a week? Then place this in your schedule, for example on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can also add how long, how far and where you will run.

3. Choose the right sport

There is no point in talking yourself into a sport that you have absolutely nothing to do with. If you do this, you will end up reluctant to exercise. And the risk of injury is much higher. So choose a sport that you feel comfortable with. Are you crazy about dancing? Go dance! Especially when you do this very intensively you burn a lot of calories with it.

If you prefer to exercise from home, look for an exercise bike or treadmill. Ideal, because you then run on the treadmill while watching your favorite series. You do have to be really motivated though. The chance that you will eventually no longer stand on the treadmill, but just sit on the couch to watch your series, is certainly present.

Do you have spare space in your home? Then place your fitness device in a separate room. That way you won't be tempted to sit on that couch anyway.

Don't like all of this, but do you want to work out from home? There are a lot of online videos with workouts to be found. For example, look for fitness exercises for beginners, people who are more in shape or for experienced athletes. This way you decide how hard the workout can be.

4. Follow a detox course

Exercise helps you lose weight. But if you have little energy, experience various 'minor' complaints and just feel that you are not feeling well, then a detox is a good idea.

With a detox cure you detoxify your body so that you feel fit again. For example, use our 30-day detox cure Detox Matcha . In addition, your skin will look healthier and your hair will shine: a huge boost for your self-confidence!

After you have done a detox cure, your body is ready for a new beginning. And you can start adjusting your eating pattern to work on your summer body.

5. Adjust your diet

Sports are very important for your body, especially if you want to work towards a summer body. But if you go straight to the snack bar after your run or open a bag of chips at home, it's not much use. If you really want to lose weight, definitely adjust your diet.

This certainly does not mean that you can no longer eat anything tasty, but that you should be more aware of what you eat and drink in a day. For example, take fruit as a snack instead of a filled cake and a large glass of water instead of cola.

There are also various products for sale that can give you just that one push. Slimming tea is a good example of this. This tea contains various ingredients that make it easier for you to lose weight and therefore achieve your goal sooner.

6. Reward yourself on your way to your summer body

When you suddenly have a lot of sport and have adjusted your diet, you naturally want to continue this. That is why it is important that you reward yourself regularly. You could do this with food: for example, a glass of alcohol and a bowl of chips on Saturday evening. But there are many more ways.

For example, by buying yourself those beautiful running shoes, or that one cool smartwatch on which you can keep track of exactly how many meters you have already run. In the end you see that it is precisely these rewards that ensure that you continue to exercise.

And when the sun really starts to shine and you have already lost a few kilos, you can reward yourself with beautiful swimwear and enjoy the summer. Tight summer body here we come!

Also working on a tight summer body? Then start well with the slimming tea Skinny Matcha or immediately follow a 30-day detox cure with this Detox Tea .