A leaky gut, yes it exists. And there is a good chance that you also suffer from this...

It is estimated that millions of people suffer from leaky gut, and yet most do not know it. Those numbers are scary! :O

But what exactly is leaky gut, and why can matcha help with this condition?

In this blog I explain it in a simple way without too complex scientific terms :-)

What is a leaky gut or leaky gut?

If you have a healthy body, your small intestine only allows tiny nutrients to pass through. Your intestine is permeable so that the right substances are absorbed into your blood.

But… if your intestinal mucosa is inflamed or damaged, your intestinal wall allows more substances to pass through than necessary. Leaky gut syndrome, also known as leaky gut, is a condition in which small holes occur in your intestinal wall. This also causes waste products to enter your bloodstream, such as bacteria, toxins and even undigested food.

If you do nothing about this condition, it can even lead to serious problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, depression, eczema, fibromyalgia, fatigue and so on.

The symptoms of leaky gut syndrome

  • Gastric acid
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Prolonged fatigue
  • Skin problems such as psoriasis or eczema
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Diarrhea
  • allergies
  • A bloated feeling
  • Headache

What are the causes?

When your intestinal wall is damaged, this obviously has a cause. There are a number of common causes:

  1. Stress : We know that stress has serious consequences for our health. And yes, stress can also be the cause of leaky gut syndrome.
  2. Nutrition : gluten, carbohydrates, dairy and sugars are best avoided in case of intestinal problems. It is important that you mainly eat pure and unprocessed food.
  3. Alcohol : This causes an increase in bad bacteria in your gut.
  4. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories : the use of certain medicines or antibiotics can also be the cause of leaky gut.

Anyway, with a leaky gut, your intestinal flora is out of balance. It is important that you find out the exact cause of this condition.

What does a leaky gut do to your body?

If bad substances enter your intestinal wall, your body is of course not happy and goes into defense mode:

  1. At first, your liver will work hard to purify your blood. But there are just too many harmful particles, your liver can't handle this, so they pile up in your blood.
  2. Then it's your immune system's turn, it produces antibodies that have to fight the foreign substances.

Your body may go into defense mode, but those small holes are still present in the small intestine. As a result, those bad substances keep increasing, which weakens your immune system after a while. This leads to inflammation in your body and can even cause autoimmune diseases (such as diabetes, arthritis and multiple sclerosis).

Can you do something about it yourself? Yes happy!

Pure and unprocessed food, that is the first important step. A healthy diet and sufficient exercise ensure that your intestinal wall can recover properly.

But there's more! A recent study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry shows that green tea can improve gut health because it increases the number of healthy bacteria and decreases bad bacteria.

In the study, they got one group of mice to follow a high-fat diet for eight weeks, while the other group of mice followed a normal diet. In both groups, half of the mice had tea extract added to their food during this period.

From this experiment they were able to deduce that the group of mice that ate a high-fat diet and were given green tea extract gained no less than 20 percent less weight. Impressive, right?!

But what does this have to do with leaky gut syndrome? The researchers discovered that the mice that were given tea extract developed more good gut bacteria. This shows that green tea stimulates the production of healthy bacteria and that tea reduces the risk of obesity.

Keep the following things in mind when you buy matcha

Do you suffer from intestinal problems yourself or would you like to live a healthier life? Start with a cup of matcha a day and experience the health benefits. Did you know that matcha contains as many nutrients as ten cups of regular green tea? So the choice is quickly made!

Keep the following things in mind:

1. Choose the best quality

Did you know that certain teas are sprayed with pesticides? Of course you don't want to get that in your cup… there is also a lot of difference between matcha.

How do you recognize the best matcha?

  • Note the color, which should be bright green.
  • The texture should be soft, large chunks indicate poor quality.
  • The taste also says a lot: the best matcha has a subtle taste.

2. Pay attention to the amount of EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate)

If we compare regular green tea with matcha, matcha contains 137 times more EGCG. These are natural green tea flavonoids, also called catechins.

EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that may reduce the risk of cancers. In addition, it has a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels and promotes healthy intestinal flora (which you need in case of leaky gut syndrome).

3. Do not let the water boil

If you really want to enjoy a good cup of matcha, don't let the water boil. This makes the taste bitter, while a good matcha should be creamy and soft in taste.

Are you ready to work on a healthy lifestyle? Order our matcha online , with 1 cup a day you get more energy and experience the health benefits.




Marijke van Schaik said:

Hoeveel poeder mag er in 1 kop thee?
Ik heb 3 potten gekocht maar een maatschepje zat er niet bij ?

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