When we hear the word inflammation , we often think of something bad, but actually your body really needs inflammation.

A simple example: suppose you have sustained an injury to your leg, your body immediately notices the damage and starts the healing process. Inflammation is therefore a natural reaction of your body to pain so that the wound can heal properly.

But... there are also bad inflammations that are permanently present in your body. These are the so-called chronic inflammations that are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle (think of an unhealthy diet, stress, alcohol, etc.). If you do nothing about these inflammations, they can eventually lead to many diseases such as depression, diabetes and even cancer. They are silent wreckers that cause a lot of damage without you knowing it.

You can do something yourself against chronic inflammation

It all sounds very serious, and it is, but luckily you can do something yourself against chronic inflammation. I already told you above that such inflammation is often the result of poor nutrition, stress, high alcohol consumption… and these are matters that you can partly control yourself.

You will have to work on a healthy lifestyle yourself. Everything starts with making the right food choices that contribute to a healthy body.

Anti-inflammatory food: ginger is in the top

Make healthy choices, that is, eat less processed food and avoid sugar or carbohydrates as much as possible. In addition, consciously choose lots of vegetables, fruit, herbs, healthy fats and nuts.

You should also put a lot of anti-inflammatory food on the menu. Think of avocado, green tea, olive oil, oily fish, berries, apples and turmeric. I already told you more about the medicinal effect of turmeric in a previous blog.

But today I want to talk about ginger completely, because this tuber is in the top of natural anti-inflammatories. A lot of research has already been done on the medicinal properties of ginger, and we can definitely say that it is a super powerful weapon against chronic inflammation.

What is ginger like?

Ginger comes from the ginger plant, also known as Zingiber officinale. This plant belongs to the same family as that of turmeric and cardamom and is native to Southeast Asia. It is only after the spice trade that it also ended up in the West.

The spice has a sharp taste and can even be slightly spicy. It adds extra spice to any dish and is also packed with vitamins. The ideal seasoning!

Why is ginger a powerful anti-inflammatory?

The beneficial effect of ginger was discovered centuries ago. In Asia it has been used for a long time for digestive problems and nausea.

But what many don't know is that ginger is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. It contains a large amount of phytonutrients (gingerol and shoagol), which are substances that can combat inflammation. This is also apparent from various studies . The big advantage: ginger works for both 'normal' inflammation and bad chronic inflammation.

Another study shows that ginger could relieve muscle pain. During this study they got the test subjects to eat 2 grams of ginger daily (for 11 days). The result? The muscle pain decreased significantly.

Using ginger in the kitchen or as an aid: 7 ways

The root tuber is not only super healthy, it is also perfect for flavoring your dishes. Do you still need inspiration? You can use ginger in all kinds of ways, both in the kitchen or as an aid for complaints.

  1. Add a slice of ginger to your herbal tea.
  2. Brew a cup of fresh ginger tea. Peel a piece of ginger and grate until you have a teaspoon of ginger. Boil water and pour it over the ginger. You can choose to strain your tea, or let the ginger sink to the bottom. You can also add some honey and lemon juice for more flavor (and extra vitamins).
  3. Do you find ginger tea a bit too strong? Then you can also use it in a soup, which immediately provides an Asian touch. Try a carrot soup with ginger and coriander. A wonderfully tasty recipe and that way you also have your portion of ginger!
  4. Do you need energy quickly? Then this matcha ginger energy shot is for you. The combination of matcha and ginger is a winner: they are both packed with antioxidants that protect your body.
  5. Mix some ginger into a salad to spice it up. A spicy cucumber salad with ginger and sesame dressing, an avocado salad with mango and ginger… the options are endless.
  6. You can also make a ginger compress for muscle pain, this compress will provide immediate relief. That's very simple: you bring water to the boil, then let the ginger soak in for fifteen minutes. Dip a washcloth or cloth in the water and then place it on the painful area. Bet it has completely taken away your pain after fifteen minutes?
  7. Essential Oil (Essential Oil): This pure oil is extracted from the rhizomes. It is very well absorbed by the skin. Apply a few drops of ginger oil to the place where it hurts and it will provide instant relief. You can also add it to a warm bath or in an aroma diffuser. The scent is uplifting and it boosts your mood.

Bottom Line: Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory weapon

Ginger is an incredibly healthy root packed with vitamins and minerals. There is ample scientific evidence that ginger can reduce chronic inflammation.

And… it is not only healthy, the light peppery taste also ensures that you can give every dish more flavor. So win-win!

We like to use it in many recipes, but you probably already noticed that. A little tip: both matcha and ginger are packed with antioxidants. If you combine these two, you get a wonderfully healthy vitamin bomb.

How do you prefer to use ginger in the kitchen? I'm curious about your ideas or recipes, feel free to send them. :-)


Rasp elke dag twee koffielepels gember voor twee tassen thee. Dit doe ik nu al een maand. De chronische ontsteking vd knie is zo goed als weg. Ik kon geen trappen doen zonder pijn. Nu fluks op en af.

— Stef

Gember Kurkuma Kaneel drankje. Doe een koffie lepel gemalen gember, kurkuma en gemalen kaneel in een glas, voeg 250ml appelsap toe, en goed roeren. Succes ! Smakelijk !