The holidays are coming, yes! All together around the table, exchanging presents and singing along to the classics on the radio. It is such a nice period that I like to celebrate with my family and friends.

A little less nice is the number of kilos that we often recover after this period. How could it be otherwise: the alcohol flows freely, we feast on the many oven snacks and it is difficult to resist the delicious Christmas desserts.

But don't worry, with a few simple tips you can maintain your weight during this period.

These are things that I also apply myself to limit the 'damage' to a minimum.

1. Eat mindfully

During the Christmas or New Year's dinners there is often a lot on the table. And of course you want to taste the best of everything. :-) Nothing wrong with that, but try to eat with your full attention.

It's easy to stuff your mouth full with food, but then you don't enjoy yourself enough. Eat bite by bite and chew each bite at least twenty times. If you eat slowly and chew enough, your brain produces the substance histamine . This hormone ensures that you have a feeling of satiety.

In addition, you will also enjoy your food more and therefore scoop less on your plate because you are saturated faster.

2. Make sure your plate is well balanced

Although bread, croquettes or chips taste good with your food, it is actually not the best choice.

Our body can store very few carbohydrates, and if you consume too many carbohydrates, this will lead to weight gain.

This does not mean that you should not eat croquettes, just ensure a good balance on your plate. At least half should consist of vegetables. And… are you still in the mood for something? Then it is better to take an extra scoop of vegetables instead of a scoop of fries or a slice of bread. Your hunger is over and you have made a healthy choice!

3. Fill a glass of water for every glass of drink

We all know it's important to drink enough water, and yet we don't do it enough. This tip can help you to drink enough water: fill a glass of water for every glass of alcohol. This hydrates your body and fills your stomach, reducing your hunger pangs. You will not only drink less alcohol, but also eat less. Win win!

4. Be careful with alcohol or opt for non-alcoholic alternatives

A glass of bubbles or a good glass of wine is part of this period for many. There is absolutely no harm in drinking a glass now and then, but limit your consumption. Alcohol contains a lot of calories and sugars, it disturbs your sleep and makes you more hungry.

If you organize a dinner yourself, you can also choose to offer an alcohol-free alternative. That's just as tasty and much healthier! ;-) On the blog you will find plenty of inspiration.

Winter walk

5. Plan a winter walk

Are you organizing a dinner yourself? Ask your guests if they would like to take a wonderful winter walk. Getting some fresh air and some extra exercise works wonders! Movement stimulates your metabolism, for example it is wise to walk for 20 minutes every day (even on days when no parties are planned.)

6. Eat healthy on normal days

During this cozy period it is difficult to resist all those goodies in the supermarket. Do you have some days off in between? Make sure you eat healthy and avoid alcohol at these times. During the Christmas parties you can enjoy the delicious food even more and you can treat yourself to something extra.

7. Don't forget meals

I often hear that people skip breakfast or lunch because they have dinner planned in the evening. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don't forget it! Skipping meals can lead to headaches, binge eating, and digestive upset. You will even gain weight because of this, not good!

Start your day with a healthy breakfast based on, for example, oatmeal, fruit or granola.

8. Sleep is essential if you don't want to recover

If you don't sleep enough, this disrupts your metabolism. It also affects your hormones (leptin and ghrelin) that regulate appetite, making you feel less full and hungry faster. So you will feel more like eating after a short night.

It is not only necessary that you get enough sleep, but also that you have a good night's sleep. Make sure you have at least 8 hours of sleep and it is best to turn off your electronic devices a few hours before going to sleep.

It is one of the reasons why many people have sleeping problems: the blue light from your mobile phone or laptop disrupts your biorhythm, causing less melatonin to be produced. This hormone makes you sleepy.

9. Last but not least, don't forget to enjoy yourself

If you pay attention to your food here and there and still exercise now and then, you can get through this period in a healthy way. But please don't forget to enjoy: if you feel like something, eat it, otherwise you will regret it later. Just make sure you keep the portions small and enjoy every bite.

Enjoy the holidays to the fullest and you can certainly give yourself something extra during the parties with friends or family.



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