Matcha, you have undoubtedly read a lot about it. In recent years, this green powder has become extremely popular! It is drunk by celebrities, athletes and tea lovers.

But did you know that matcha has actually been drunk for centuries?

Everything started in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). There, drinking matcha was part of the tea ritual for the Zen Buddhists. They already knew it then: it really is a panacea. At that time it was therefore used as a medicine.

The green powder has always been used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. Because the popularity of matcha is increasing in our country, we now also process the green powder in other dishes. Just think of matcha ice cream , pastries , matcha latte and even in all kinds of snacks, which I already wrote a blog about.

But what exactly is matcha and why does it work so well for weight loss? I'll explain!

matcha tea plant or Camillia Sinensis

What is matcha powder?

Matcha is a finely ground powder from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant. This shrub blooms from March to May.

A fun fact: did you know that only the buds and first 2 growing leaves are harvested for tea? Furthermore, harvesting is done every 3 to 4 weeks.

After pouring hot water, a green tea with a soft aftertaste is created. To get the best result, beat the matcha with a bamboo whisk. You will find all matching accessories in our webshop.

But why drink matcha instead of regular green tea?

Matcha is known as the green drink that is even healthier than regular green tea. The powder contains up to 137 times more antioxidants than regular tea.

Bye bye colds, because this contributes to a stronger immune system.

Matcha also contains 10 times more nutritional value and is equivalent to 10 cups of green tea. The choice is made quickly then, right?

Quality of matcha

When purchasing matcha, you should also pay attention to one thing: it is very important that the tea comes from Japan, because this processing process is truly unique.

If the powder comes from China or other parts of the world, it is not actually matcha. Then we speak of green powder.

By the way, did you know that there is only one small Japanese elite of tea farmers that is able to produce the highest quality matcha?

matcha tea plantation

The processing process

Matcha has a very unique production process, which is why this powder is of such high quality.

A month before harvest, the tea leaves are covered with dark tarpaulins. This ensures that the plant receives less sunlight and then it produces extra chlorophyll. This substance provides the beautiful green color of the powder.

Steaming it

After picking, the leaves are first steamed. This inactivates the fermentation enzymes and keeps the leaves green.

During the entire fermentation process, polyphenols are oxidized – and the caffeine and aroma compounds are formed. Steaming gives the tea a high content of polyphenols.

The majority of polyphenols belong to the category of catechins. This is a collective name for a large group of substances that are strong antioxidants, including epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate.

The latter substance, also called EGCG, contains the most benefits. The proper functioning of this substance is substantiated by studies, including that of the American Society of Nutrition .

The polyphenols therefore ensure the beneficial effect of tea.

Research shows that green tea would have a protective effect in many disorders.

Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants and fight free radicals, among other things. In addition, they have a positive effect on the heart and blood pressure.

It also lowers blood sugar and protects the liver against toxins.

Matcha & L-theanine

In addition to the polyphenols, the tea plant also contains proteins, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Half of those amino acids consist of L-theanine, the component that ensures the medicinal effect of matcha.

Everything starts in the root of the plant: here the amino acids are synthesized, after which they accumulate in the leaves. There they are converted into polyphenols by sunlight. A month before harvest, the plant is covered, which increases the concentration of L-theanine.

Research shows that L-theanine has a positive effect on your mood. In addition, it ensures better concentration, better sleep and also makes you feel good .

L-theanine is absorbed into the blood and then ends up in our brain.

Studies show that L-theanine stimulates alpha brain waves in the brain . These waves were discovered by Hans Berger in 1924 and are closely related to being 'relaxedly alert'.

This means that you can concentrate better. It has the same effect as coffee, but with matcha you do not experience the adverse effects of caffeine.

Matcha for weight loss

Can you really lose weight with matcha? The answer is yes!

It has been proven: research shows that matcha helps with weight loss, due to the active ingredient EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate).

EGCG stimulates the metabolism and also stops the growth of fat cells. A 2005 study showed that participants who drank green tea rich in catechins every day lost 2 times more weight than the other participants in 12 weeks.

Matcha is therefore not only super healthy, it also ensures that you lose those extra pounds. Perfect, right?


The following studies were used for this article:


Lolita van Buitenen said:

Ik doe elke dag een grote theelepel matcha poeder in mijn kop koffie en goed roeren.
De smaak is dan een beetje verdoezeld maar het effect daarna is ideaal

IF-je said:

Ik doe al een tijdje aan Intermittent Fasting maar de resultaten zijn niet zo goed als bij een collega. Zij neemt wel matcha tabletjes? Welke neem ik dan het beste?

S ramlal said:

Ik zou willen weten hoe vaak je matcha thee moet drinken op een dag en wanneer is dit beter om te gebruiken kan nergers lezen. Hoop gauw een antwoord.

mieke van breukelen said:


ik heb een schoonheidsinstituut en zou graag matcha thee willen verkopen!is at mogelijk

groet mieke

Jamie said:

Ik zou ook graag het antwoord op de vraag die Elizabeth stelt.
Mvg Jamie

Van opstal Elizabeth said:

Hoeveel kopjes thee moet men drinke per dag om af te vallen? ?
En wat eet je daarbij????

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