Matcha is super healthy, we all know that. However, there are very large differences and there are therefore also differences in quality. Of course, with Joy of Matcha I only offer the purest matcha of the highest quality because I think your health and well-being are important.

If you want to assess the quality of your matcha, it is therefore important to know the origin of the matcha. Today I will tell you why origin is so important and I will also give you a bit of history.

From China to Japan

The real matcha comes from Japan, that's the important rule when you buy matcha now. If your matcha comes from China or another country, it is technically not matcha, but regular green tea. Yet matcha tea originally comes from China. How is this possible?

In the 8th century, the Chinese already drank matcha because of its many health benefits . They then used dried green tea in large blocks. The Chinese Zen monks discovered the benefits and cut pieces from the blocks, then ground them into a fine powder and then beat them through hot water.

It is not until the late 1180s that Myoan Eisai, the founder of the Rinzai branch of Zen Buddhism, brought matcha to Japan. He discovered the many benefits of matcha when meditating and therefore brought seeds of the tea plant back to his homeland. This is how the plant eventually ended up in Japan.

Matcha as part of the Japanese tea ceremony

From the 16th century, matcha became even more popular in Japan. The monks discovered the benefits of matcha because it helped them to meditate longer and better. Thus, matcha became an important part of the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

In one of my previous blogs you could read exactly how such a traditional ceremony works and it is a true art. Tea masters go through years of apprenticeship to get all the steps of the ceremony under perfect control.

Japanese tea ceremony

The Japanese tea ceremony takes place in the host's tea house, also known as chashitsu. This house is often far away in the garden because the walk prepares the guests for the ceremony. The traditional ceremony consists of strict actions that allow the tea master and guests to maintain full concentration.

Differences between matcha tea from Japan and China

So matcha originally comes from China, but this does not mean that you have to choose Chinese matcha. Actually, you can only speak of matcha if it comes from Japan. There are a number of requirements that pure matcha must meet:

A unique production process

The difference is in the production process: on the Japanese tea plantations, the plants are covered a few weeks before harvest. The shade ensures that tea bushes can produce extra good substances. It is a unique production process that has been perfected over hundreds of years. The different steps ensure the many benefits of the powder.

Production process of matcha in Japan

In China they cannot match this unique process. The tea leaves are usually not covered and they are often pan-fried to speed up the drying process, which quickly stops oxidation. Chinese matcha is often cheaper, grainier in substance and also paler in color.

Price difference

There is a price difference between the two: for Chinese matcha you pay an average of about 7 euros, while with Japanese matcha this is about 30 euros for a jar. Japanese matcha goes through a lot of steps, so the production process is labor intensive, which makes this matcha more expensive.

Quality is more important than quantity, so if you want to experience the best health benefits, choose Japanese matcha.


A 2013 Greenpeace study found that 12 of the 18 Chinese matcha brands they tested contained dangerous pesticides. This was not the case with Japanese matcha, because the tea farmers there adhere to strict legislation. So you see: if you prefer quality, you choose pure matcha from Japan.

Japanese tea plantations in the 21st century

So the monks brought the green powder to Japan and a lot of tea plantations were created. Japan has the ideal climate for the production of matcha: the volcanic soil is perfect for growing tea and the mist that sweeps over the fields ensures that the leaves do not freeze. The sunlight is perfectly filtered, so that you obtain the unique taste and benefits of matcha through photosynthesis.

Joy of Matcha comes from Kagoshima Japan

Joy of Matcha's matcha comes from Kagoshima in the south of Japan. The powder is made from the best young tea leaves. After picking, they are steamed, dried and traditionally ground. This preserves the healthy substances. You can taste the excellent quality! You can drink our matcha as well as use it for baking. From cake to sauces, smoothies or pudding: the possibilities are enormous.


Today, the tea plant grows in different parts of the world. Do you want real matcha of the best quality? Then it is best to choose Japanese matcha. Green tea from other parts of the world does not undergo the same production process and therefore you cannot speak of matcha.

Buy the best quality matcha? You can do that at Joy of Matcha, you can order your matcha safely and very easily via the webshop . After that I will make sure that your order is sent with great care!