Dalgona latte met matcha

Dalgona matcha latte: the trendy drink of 2021

Surely you've heard of Dalgona coffee: this drink has taken the internet by storm in recent months. Although the drink originated in South Korea, it quickly became a trend with...
Proteïne latte shake

Protein cafe latte with matcha for a long feeling of satiety

Protein, isn't that just for athletes? Absolutely not, that is still often thought, but actually that is a wrong thought. Did you know that proteins are crucial for your body?...
Kurkuma latte, golden milk recept

Make your own turmeric latte with this easy recipe

Turmeric latte is also called Golden Milk. This drink not only owes this to that beautiful golden color, but also to the many health benefits. Turmeric has a medicinal effect,...
Havermout met kurkuma en pecannoten

Healthy breakfast: Oatmeal with turmeric and pecans

You know the morning rush: eat breakfast quickly and then quickly get out the door so that you are on time for work! Even before the break you get a...
Smeuïge Brownies met matcha glazuur

Creamy brownies with matcha glaze

Creamy brownies, who doesn't like that? The delicious chocolate flavor is a favorite of many, the kids really love it. Making them yourself is actually not that difficult. There are...
Groene smoothie met matcha en selder

Green smoothie with matcha and celery

A green smoothie is a real vitamin bomb: it's the way to start your day well because it gives you an incredible energy boost. And not only that: thanks to...
Slush Puppie met matcha

How do you make a Healthy Slush (Puppie)?

You've probably been to an amusement park. Remember those brightly colored iced drinks they sell? That's a Slush Puppie, a drink that originally comes from the United States. The word...
Gezonde Ontbijt recepten

Little energy? 3 healthy breakfast recipes to start your day productively

Whether you're a morning person or not, a healthy breakfast is extremely important to start your day full of energy . It gives your body the necessary dose of energy...
Frisse, groene gazpacho met avocado en komkommer

Fresh, green gazpacho with avocado and cucumber

At summer temperatures you don't always feel like hot dishes. During those hot days we therefore like to alternate with a fresh salad or a cold soup. They offer your...
Saladedressing met avocado en matcha

Healthy salad dressing with matcha and avocado

Get rid of the stews and hot dishes: summer is here and that means that we put healthy salads with a tasty dressing on the menu more often. It's easy,...
Matcha mousse

Matcha mousse with pear, mango and a pistachio crumble

Looking for summer desserts? When I think of summer, I automatically associate it with tasty, fresh fruit. A dessert should be airy and light, we leave the heavy desserts for...
nicecream met bananen en matcha

Healthy banana matcha nice cream (without ice cream!)

Make your own healthy ice cream with only 3 ingredients and without an ice cream maker? Yes, there is even a word for this type of ice cream: nicecream ....